When building a new home, it can be easy to put the basement planning on the back burner. Often basements aren’t finished until some time after the family has moved in. The truth is that the basement can be a great family or entertaining space!

When building a new home, it can be easy to put the basement planning on the back burner. Often basements aren’t finished until some time after the family has moved in. The truth is that the basement can be a great family or entertaining space!
We are of course a concrete finishing company, but because finishing concrete can be a part of construction jobs, we thought we’d review the process and types of permits needed to finish basements. Let’s start by going over the four types of permits that might be required depending on the type of job and how complex it is.
Since we love all things concrete, we thought that we would talk about slabjacking some more. Actually, since we’ve already talked about what it is and the process, we thought we’d look into the tools and materials needed for the job. Let’s start with the tools.
Microtoppings, also known as skim coats are cement based coatings that provide a blank canvas for decorative applications, both skim coats can be applied both inside and outside of the building. Decorative applications that may be used with microtoppings can be anything from stains to dyes to stenciled patterns or more.
Concrete had become the popular choice of flooring materials for homeowners and designers throughout the United States, which is no surprise to us. Retail stores, office buildings, trendy restaurants, and homes with concrete floors are showing up everywhere. Concrete floor options are endless, unlike other flooring materials, and range from overlays, radiant heated, painted, microtoppings, acid stained, to personalized designs.